报告题目:英语语言学实证研究方法系列讲座 报告时间:2014年5月26-30日19:00 Yong Wang,Prof. of Montclair State University,U.S Associate Professor, Sociology Degree(s): BS: Academy of Naval Engineering,Wuhan(China) Peking University of Aeronautics and Astronautics MS: Iowa State University MFA: Iowa State University PhD: Iowa State University Profile: I joined the Department of Sociology as an assistant professor in fall 2003 after completing my Ph.D. atIowaStateUniversity. My main areas of research interest are social theory, cultural sociology, social semiotics, and social change; teaching specialties include sociological theory, statistics, and sociology of rich and poor nations. In 2010, I became guest professor at foreign languages school ofShanxiNormalUniversity. I visit there annually in May or June. 外国语学院 2014年5月26日 |